
Home » Cardiac/Pulmonary Conditions in Scottsdale, AZ

Cardiac/Pulmonary Conditions in Scottsdale, AZ

The Scottsdale Stem Cell Treatment Center offers treatment for cardiac/pulmonary conditions to the residents of Scottsdale, Phoenix, and the surrounding Arizona communities.

What Are Cardiac/Pulmonary Conditions?

Cardiac conditions affect the veins, arteries, and heart, and pulmonary conditions affect the lungs. Cardiac conditions may result from damage to the heart muscle and impediments to blood flow. Heart attacks and congestive heart failure are most often caused by atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. In addition to the coronary arteries, problems with other areas of the heart may result in a cardiac condition, including the heart rhythm, muscle, and valves.

Pulmonary conditions may affect the bronchial tubes, lungs, and oxygen exchange needed to deliver oxygen to other parts of the body. COPD is the most common pulmonary condition, affecting millions of Americans. Other pulmonary conditions are asthma and pulmonary fibrosis.

Using Stem Cells for Cardiac/Pulmonary Conditions

The research for treating cardiac conditions with stem cell therapy demonstrates that the treatment is both safe and effective. Stem cells have the capacity to replace damaged cells in the heart muscle, arteries, valves, and other areas where cardiac disease exists. Similarly, stem cells have been shown to replace damaged cells in the lungs, giving those living with pulmonary conditions an alternative to traditional treatments.

Treating Cardiac/Pulmonary Conditions with Stem Cells

Adult stem cells are used for cardiac and pulmonary treatments at Scottsdale Stem Cell Center. We use a precise technique for harvesting fat from your body similar to a mini-liposuction procedure. For the cells to help with your cardiac/pulmonary condition, we activate the cells through a process known as “enrichment.” After the cells are activated, we reintroduce the cells into your body where the regenerative and reparative process begins.

The Scottsdale Stem Cell Treatment Center offers treatment to the residents of Scottsdale, Phoenix, and surrounding communities in Arizona for cardiac/pulmonary diseases, including the following:

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of the diseases listed above, please contact us at Scottsdale Stem Cell to find out whether STV or another form of stem cell treatment is right for you and your unique condition.

Written by Scottsdale Stem Cell Center