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Am I a Candidate?

How do residents of Scottsdale, Phoenix and the surrounding Arizona communities know if they are a good candidate for stem cell therapy?


The first step is to send us your medical records and diagnostic test results. We will then analyze your case. If your disease or disorder does not have a specific treatment program, and the symptoms become increasingly serious, with severe neurological functioning damage, and biotherapy could help with nerve remodeling, improve functioning, change the quality of your life and prolong it, then he will suggest you have stem cell treatment if you don’t have any contraindications.


Candidates for stem cell transplantation (or bone marrow transplant therapy) are patients with aggressive cancers who can benefit from high-dose chemotherapy.


These patients have previously had standard chemotherapy, and are referred for stem cell transplant therapy by their oncologists.


The conditions for which stem cell transplant therapy may be appropriate include:

  • Relapsed Hodgkin’s disease
  • Relapsed or high-risk non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Relapsed testicular cancer
  • Acute leukemia (ineligible for allogenic transplant)


To be considered for stem cell transplant therapy, patients should have acceptable functioning of their major organ systems and no active infection.


The Scottsdale Stem Cell Treatment Center provides cutting-edge care for patients in Scottsdale, Phoenix and the surrounding Arizona communities with a wide variety of degenerative disorders using adult stem cell regenerative therapy.


We are focused on providing you with the most innovative techniques and advanced procedures for harvesting and deploying adult stem cells from your own fat.

Written by Scottsdale Stem Cell Center